Sunday, January 12, 2014

Creator to His Creations

I  bring peace. I create beauty. I cherish harmony. I desire love from my creation. I demand reverance through my wonders. I am wisdom, and freely give of myself. My decrees are just. I am the perfect judge. Your imagination has few boundaries, now imagine mine. I designed your brain. Just try to fathom the depths of my intellect. No person in history has been unaffected by me. People discuss and argue over my influence, but I was and am and will be there. I am consistence. I am faithfulness.

Take my perspective, just for a moment. My creation bickering amongst itself, deciding whether or not they will allow me to be part of "their" government, money, future. Oh funny little things, and ironic! Humans; thinking yourselves to be very wise and open minded, but choosing to take the most wise and loving Creator out of everything that I can possibly be removed from. Making the only just and true God a myth, a tradition. Having a form of morality and godliness, but denying My power. Thankfully though, I also have a sense of humor. How else could I love, cherish, and find pleasure from such silly little creations?

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